The first is a picture of Bernard on the hunt (yes, we went again, this time in the daylight, we caught nothing, but he went back out later that night ((I stayed at home!)) and did catch an armadillo...tasty)
(Un)fortunately there are a lot of photos, and to save you/and i the trouble of writing a 1000 words about each one..I'll just put a few words to go with the photos...
A photo of the mother, son and grandson of the last family I stayed with
A photo of the father and the grandson
A photo of me and the son doing some mental mapping using natural objects of what the landscape of the settlement looked like 15 years ago, at present, and what it will look like in the future.
A photo of me conducting an interview with Bernard
A photo of me taking GPS points
A photo of me doing a focus group with teachers
A photo of a meeting of the youthgroup at the casa de cultura
The circus comes to town!
Pretty cacau...
Bernard maintaining his hunting forest
A photo of Bernard, Dona Olinda, and their granddaughter
Some Macaws sitting in a tree
Altomiro standing beside some of the trees he planted 4 years ago! (yes, things grow VERY fast here)
And a parting shot, Altomiro with his cacau seedlings...the future of his forest
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