Where are we now?

View Where are we now? in a larger map Jo, Annie, Miles and I are living in Northport, Alabama and working at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. We've been glad to be in one place for a bit after what appeared to be semi-permanently traveling (in actuality for a period of 2.5 years).We started this blog to catalogue some of the adventures when Jo and I were sequentially conducting our dissertation research in India and Brazil. While we've fallen off the blogging bandwagon somewhat during recent trips to Brazil, we're trying to pick it up again now that we're back in India!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Annie!

Well, one month that is, but that's still pretty exciting. Hard to believe it, but our little girl is getting so big. As I speak, she's already "gone native" (literally) and is in the field with Jo doing an interview, well Jo is at least...hopefully.

Our first month at home together has been filled with many many wonderful moments, as well as a few trying ones--like yesterday, when all she wanted to do was be held, or would cry, easy, she's a sweety, so just hold her!

We've stayed mostly in the quiet confines of our apartment. But we have ventured out a few times with Annie for walks in the local park. Ventured out I think is definitely the right wording as she isn't completely thrilled with the carrying device (pictured below) and we have to get her into it, and out the door while she's still asleep!

Quick RUN(!) while she's still asleep

But when we do, it's so friggin cute it hurts

The Bjorn, whose makers should get together with Ikea (for cute naming purposes that is)

Taking a walk with Annie

In addition to all the fun around the house Jo (and I) have been getting back to work. With Annie it requires some pretty crafty multitasking....

Jo goes back to work (A+ for multitasking)

Of course there are just oodles of sweet times...

Sweet times

and some plain funny ones as well!

Happy Birthday Annie, here's to embarrassing but very loving parents!


Nikki said...

So cute!

KateC said...

Not to make you buy more stuff (all you need, right?) but Annie might take better to a different carrier than the bjorn, and honestly you might, too.

The bjorn has the baby's weight resting on the crotch piece between her legs. Other designs, like a mai-tai or the ergo carrier put their legs in frog-position and have them resting on their bums and thighs instead, which is undoubtably more comfortable for baby. The Moby wrap is my fav for her young age and the coming months. It's a huge piece of double jersey t-shirt cloth you wrap around and around. I'm sure you could make your own out of any large piece of cloth with just a tiny bit of give to it. Cotton gause might be nice and breathable in India heat, and it's plenty inexpensive as all you have to do is cut it from the bolt and maybe zig-sag sew the edge to stop fraying.

All these options (mai tai, ergo, and moby styles) are better for moms, too, spreading more weight across the shoulders and on the hips and not appying so much pressure to the breasts. A few people from breastfeeding class (and me!) couldn't wear the bjorn while nursing because we got clogged ducts.

Anyway, sorry for all this, but carriers are totally awesome when you find one that's comfortable for everyone! And don't give up on bjorn for other stuff. Their potties are the best, hands-down. And their travel crib is great, too.
