Where are we now?

View Where are we now? in a larger map Jo, Annie, Miles and I are living in Northport, Alabama and working at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. We've been glad to be in one place for a bit after what appeared to be semi-permanently traveling (in actuality for a period of 2.5 years).We started this blog to catalogue some of the adventures when Jo and I were sequentially conducting our dissertation research in India and Brazil. While we've fallen off the blogging bandwagon somewhat during recent trips to Brazil, we're trying to pick it up again now that we're back in India!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Market day meets Rio

Readers of this blog might remember my love of old antique (read: junk) markets. Well, it turns out that there is a great one in Rio.
 On bus over with E. Annie is a big fan of mesh it turns out; who isn't really?

Turns out it's right below an overpass (FYI make sure to book it out of there once the market's winding down!)

 It was a place where the most random of most random things can be found

Dolls which have seen better days...

Speaking of being a big fan, there's nothing I like more than random motors....

also was glad to see vintage Nat. Geo's are a favorite

And old VHS cameras

Annie did get a little nervous though....

when she saw the vintage surgery instruments! 

The strangest juxtaposition of all was the vintage porn and machetes. 
Sorry, no picture due to the young readership of this blog. 

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