Where are we now?

View Where are we now? in a larger map Jo, Annie, Miles and I are living in Northport, Alabama and working at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. We've been glad to be in one place for a bit after what appeared to be semi-permanently traveling (in actuality for a period of 2.5 years).We started this blog to catalogue some of the adventures when Jo and I were sequentially conducting our dissertation research in India and Brazil. While we've fallen off the blogging bandwagon somewhat during recent trips to Brazil, we're trying to pick it up again now that we're back in India!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Holy Holi

For those who don't know, Holi is a spring religious festival celebrated mostly by Hindus. What Holi is known for is its insanity. People throw colored powder (above) and colored water at each other. Jo describes it as "Indian Mardi Gras; social roles are turned on their heads; younger people can playfully disrespect older people etc."

We celebrated (vicariously) holi this year from our safe vantage point on the hotel's roof in Jaipur. Why did we hide away from the festivities? Because, people occasionally mix the powders with toxic chemicals and heavy metals, neither of which seemed like a good idea to inhale. Additionally, the stuff can be a true pain to get out of one's clothes...so we wimped out...for the most part...

Dave and Gail braved the outdoors and got a token coloring

From some obliging local folks

Our hotel manager seemed to be having QUITE a good time

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