Where are we now?

View Where are we now? in a larger map Jo, Annie, Miles and I are living in Northport, Alabama and working at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. We've been glad to be in one place for a bit after what appeared to be semi-permanently traveling (in actuality for a period of 2.5 years).We started this blog to catalogue some of the adventures when Jo and I were sequentially conducting our dissertation research in India and Brazil. While we've fallen off the blogging bandwagon somewhat during recent trips to Brazil, we're trying to pick it up again now that we're back in India!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Funny things

Ok last quick posting before I head down to Santa Catarina (where I'll be visiting another MST settlement for 4 days, before heading to the beach for a week of really difficult research on sun tanning and 16th century colonial architecture)

So I often joke with people that I might make a better living dropping out of school and starting a company translating ads for in country companies, i.e. in India the ridiculous ads one sees that don't make any sense when translated into english....

but then I see this one which makes me wonder....

just what is "Diving Baptism", and why wasn't it part of my religious education?

Oh those Unitarians, no good under water!

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